Ever experienced an eating disorder?

To find out please take our short 15 minute survey to help us understand more about these devastating illnesses & make a genuine contribution to the diagnosis, management & treatment of eating disorders.

AUS researchers seeking 7,500+ volunteers for world’s largest eating disorders genetics investigation  

The Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI) is the world's largest genetic investigation into eating disorders ever performed. The local arm of EDGI aims to identify hundreds of genes that influence a person’s risk of developing anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa & binge-eating disorder in order to improve treatments, &, ultimately save lives.

Help us meet our target of more than 7,500 Australian participants by volunteering for our study today

Current tally
out of


Australian study participants

Count as of midday, Thursday, 18th November 2024

To learn more about EDGI and the most frequently asked questions regarding the study, watch our video of EDGI’s Principal Investigator, Professor Cynthia Bulik

Play Video

Participate in our survey to help us better understand the genetics of eating disorders